

Projects and Internships

This section enumerates the various projects and internships I’ve been a part of throughout my academic and professional journey.

Micro People (Dalian) Technology Co., Ltd.

Role                 Intern
Location Dalian, China
Date 7-8/2020
Description Learned about the development and operation of 86micro-Storehouse, a software package designed to introduce goods and services on online platforms through an improved user interface; focused on improving the user feedback section through a more efficient algorithm for user recommendations and cloud computing.

Dongbei University of Finance & Economics

Role                 Research Asst., Prof. Feng Zhao, Computer Science
Location Dalian, China
Date 7-8/2019
Description Learned internet security, data communication, and the development of computer systems and software; assisted in improving the user interface of a software package for internet-based classes and exams.

Empirical Solar Plant Research Program

Role                 Research Member
Location Dalian, China
Date 1–6/2020
Description With students from UC Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara, investigated the scale-up potential of renewable solar electricity capacity; used data from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Solar Electric Program.

Wind Turbine Efficiency Algorithm Project

Role                 Member
Location Dalian, China
Date 2-6/2019
Description For more efficient wind turbine operation, analyzed turbine setups using a dataset from the U.S. Wind Turbine Association with 58,449 turbines; conducted three experiments for key factors affecting turbine performance using classification algorithms based on data mining.

Mobile App Program, Digipen Institute of Technology

Role                 Participant
Location Redmond, WA
Date 7-8/2017
Description Learned about Java for Android mobile apps, such as loops, arrays, styles of android, strings, values, recycling view, fragment, and material design.

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